Archaeological Dig 30&31Oct 15

You may have recently noticed some curious goings on near the paddling pools. This has been the SW Herts Archaeological Society surveying and excavating an area of the park that will soon be buried beneath the new HLF hub building.
Volunteers, including some of our FoCP members have been helping to determine what lies under the grass in this area. Initial geo survey work had confirmed that there is building material in this area and had highlighted the specific areas where excavation would be helpful.

There was no evidence of buildings in this location on a 1945 aerial shot of the park and so far the digging itself has revealed possible traces of earlier usage – along the course of an 18th century drive as well as some building posts and some pottery fragments of medieval or Roman origin. So far no large building of significant importance has been revealed and if this continues to the case then the site will be carefully monitored as the contractors for the new building start work.
If you want to participate in the work of the Archaelogical Society’s in our area then please contact the Chairman, Laurie Elvin at or 07784 807108
Peter Jenkins 1 Nov 15