Work Parties
We litter pick once a month to support the task of Watford Council in maintaining the Park and twice a month we also support Herts and Middlesex Wildlife Trust (HMWT) with the nature reserve. Litter picking is usually on the third Saturday of each month – equipment is collected between 10:00 and 10:15 in the park at the Hub and litter picking tools are returned to the Hub by 12 noon.
Reserve work parties also meet on the third Saturday of each month – meeting at 10:00 am at the Hub. This work party usually lasts a little longer – finishing at 13:00 – but any time volunteering is better than none. The team is currently led by an HMWT Reserve Officer.
In addition HMWT run a reserve work party that usually meets on a week day before the above . This work party is attended by FoCP members , HMWT members and others and lasts from 10am to 3pm – so bringing a picnic lunch is handy if you are able to spend the day on the reserve – again, any time volunteering is useful and better than none. This team also meet at the Hub. Please register with HMWT for a programme and to volunteer for these sessions, which are led by an HMWT reserve officer.
PLEASE NOTE, there are no reserve work parties in April and May to avoid disturbing breeding wildlife. There may however be some HMWT led nature walks in the reserve.
Work programme for 2022
We are active again with litter picking and working in the nature reserve on the 3rd Saturday of every month. Please go to Next Work Parties for details of up coming sessions.