Sign 7: A Closer Look ….
Local Birds
Warblers are small and quite hard to see. They migrate to the UK from over wintering in West Africa. The Chiff-chaff is the first to arrive in March and is recognised by its ‘chiff-chaff’ call, which can sometimes be confused with a Great tit calling ‘Teacher teacher’! Chiff-chaff also have a short two-note call.
The next quite numerous warbler to arrive in the park is the Blackcap. This bird has quite a pleasing musical song and can sometimes be seen quite well as the male has a ‘black cap’ and the female a ‘brown cap’. With climate change and rising temperatures some decide to remain here over the winter.

Sometimes you may also hear the loud call of a Cetti’s Warbler….(Hey, hear me, seem me!)
And in the winter flocks of Siskin move around feeding on the alder tree cones They are quite hard to hear and see but some of the mature birds are lovely bright yellow , green and black , so well worth the effort.