We have a number of opportunities for volunteering to support the park. Have a look at our events page to see what is coming up shortly.

Nature Reserve Conservation
Within the park is a wetlands nature reserve that preserves the natural environment that has formed around the historic watercress beds and river. We run monthly conservation groups on the 3rd Saturday of each month. No experience is needed, and you will receive full training and guidance from the professional HMWT leader of the group.

Litter Picking
A popular park sadly brings with it a significant amount of litter. We run monthly litter-picking groups on the 3rd Saturday of each month. We supply litter pickers and bags.

Bird Feeding
During the winter months, we provide birdfeed for two feeders located in front of the bird hide. This supports a wide range of birds that overwinter in the park. The feeders are refilled every 3 days by volunteers.

Projects and support of FoCP activities
FoCP runs various projects in support of the park as well as run various activities. If you are interested in supporting us reach out and let us know.