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Reserve is drying up

The old watercress bed between the canal and the playing fields is normally fed by an artesian well at the northern end. This appeared to dry up at the end of February and despite some rain since there is still no flow of water through the watercress bed. Consequenlty the bed is dry and the various downstream ponds are drying up. And there’s no flow into the river Gade as normal, just before the rustic bridge. This is probably because of a low water table and reflects the general ‘drought’ conditions in the area. It’s bad news for the amphibians that like that part of the park.

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Bid for Heritage Lottery Fund Submitted

Watford Council submitted the Stage One application for Cassiobiury Park to the Heritage Lottery Fund by the deadline of the 28th February. The timetable going foward is expected to be:

  • June 2012 – response from HLF announcing whether successful and granting provisional award;
  • Stage 2 developed from June onwards. This will include the detail of the scheme and will involve working up of the outline proposals;
  • Stage 2 submitted in February 2013;
  • Response from HLF in August 2013 and final approval;
  • September 2013 – procurement and final designs;
  • January 2014 – work commences.

Throughout Stage 2 there will be considerable Watford wide consultation.

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Downton Abbey comes to Cassiobury

We understand from Friends of CP out walking their dogs that Downton Abbey was being filmed in the park yesterday (near ‘Crowfoot Bridge’). Apparently there was an outdoor scene involving 5 dead rabbits. Unfortunately, one of the walkers’ dogs was a Jack Russell called Bob, who ran off with one of the rabbits. πŸ™ The crew were furious…..while meanwhile Bob was running around having a great time…! πŸ™‚ Whose side are you on ..? Watch out for the episode to see how many rabbits make it into the final cut!

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Little Cassiobury House

Little Cassiobury CIC has recently been formed by local people who are interested in bringing Little Cassiobury House back to life.

Little Cassiobury House

Little Cassiobury House (Grade II* Listed), is positioned close to the frontage of the West Herts College building on Hempstead Road. It is a former dower house of the Cassiobury Estate dating from the late 17th Century. A small red brick mansion house, the building is two-storeys with an attic served by three flat topped dormer windows. The house was built to accommodate widowed and unmarried members of the Essex family – under whose ownership it remained until 1922 when, following the death of the 7th Earl of Essex, the Cassiobury Estate was sold.

The Watford Registration Office has recently moved from Clarendon Road to a refurbished building on the Little Cassiobury site. The new premises offer fully accessible offices and a ceremony room within the Orangery. However, the house itself remains empty.

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Heritage Lottery Fund

Following the end of consultation on the Stage 1 proposal on 31st January, Watford Council is working on the Heritage Lottery Fund submission and the bid needs to be in by the end of February. If the money is granted, it will be a wonderful boost to the infrastructure and will be of huge benefit.

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Some new trees have been planted around the park but when the holes have been dug, it has been found that the soil is very dry. The snow melt will probably help but the Council are aware that the new trees will need constant watering to survive.

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Many bins in the park have recently been replaced by new double bins. Some triple bins are still being made and will consist of two outside compartments for general waste and a central one for dog waste. The existing dog bins will stay in situ for the time being. The new double bins already installed have already been proven to be fox proof.

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