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Nature BlogNews

July and the Triffids…..

Deep dark shade in the deep dark woods (we do need it this summer), but no gruffalos, in Cassiobury Park. The deep shade is under the horse chestnuts by the miniature railway line, as the canopies are now so dense. Instead of gruffalos we have triffids on the river margins – huge towering hogweed plants, flowers like chimney brushes, and reedmace with brown seed heads, like pokers. Each summer I write that they are taller than ever, but this year’s sunshine and rain have produced monsters.

013 (400x300)Imagine my surprise on July 11th, whilst walking alongside the river, downstream from the Meadow Bridge, when I heard the loud, protracted song of a reed warbler. It was very close by in the reedmace, which is not its usual habitat. Normally they nest in reed beds of Phragmites reeds and the closest, in my experience, are on the River Gade at Croxley Moor. After listening awhile, I glimpsed the bird fly, and the singing stopped. I rushed home to listen online, just to confirm the sighting. Later I’ve learnt that NR Warden Rob Hopkins was aware the bird was around.

Another indicator of prolific plant growth this year is the sheer quantity of watercress growing in the sides of the river, leaving just a narrow fast flowing channel. Watercress – Nasturtium officinale , grows naturally in the chalk streams of S. Britain and is the oldest known leafy vegetable, packed with vitamins and minerals. Arlesford in Hampshire still has commercial beds and locally there is an excellent source in the Chess valley at Sarratt Bottom. (A fresh bag comes highly recommended by me – far superior to the supermarket produce.)Watercress belongs to the Cabbage family and once it has begun producing its small white flowers is apt to taste rather bitter. Fools watercress can easily be confused with the edible plant but is in the Carrot family (Umbellifer) so has completely different white flowers and serrated leaf margins. 005 (400x300)Commercial production ceased in Cassiobury Park due to falling water levels, a decline in water quality, and the sheer labour intensity required to harvest it. Meanwhile the old beds have been left to silt up and have become an entirely different ‘carr’ habitat, currently supporting the invasive Himalayan balsam as our volunteers know to their cost…..The River Gade must be less polluted now as there are three large patches of common water crowfoot (Ranunculus aquaticus) anchored in the river bed, with long , branches and streaming leaves being tugged downstream. They are between the two weirs just down from Meadow Bridge, and the day I spotted them, three mallards were busy pulling at it to feed. Let’s hope by next year they will be well enough established to put up aerial stalks with white buttercup flowers, as they used to, just upstream from Crowfoot Bridge.

Moving on to a different area and habitat in the park – the grassland between the Gardens and Stratford Way paths, where life is buzzing.  Bees and hover flies are working the rose bay willow herb flowers.  Grasshoppers are stridulating   noisily amongst the grasses, meadow brown butterflies and orange gatekeepers are feeding and laying eggs. Sharp yelps and yaffles can be heard as juvenile green woodpeckers (brownish barred feathers) fly between the grass and the trees, staying in touch with their parents. 002 (400x300) (3)The hay meadow policy of cutting quite late is allowing all the flowering plants to get well established and shed seed for next year – harebells, sorrel, plantain, hawk-bits and ragwort. Also there is a plant I only spotted a few years ago called goatsbeard or Jack-go-to-bed-at- noon. It is a yellow daisy plant on a stiff stalk which only opens its flower on sunny mornings, and is definitely spreading around. The same is true in the damp/wet meadow in the NR. Where once there were small clumps of flowering plants, now there are large patches of species such as yellow rattle, fleabane, yellow flag iris, meadow sweet, hemp agrimony and yellow flag iris. Threading through amongst the grasses are climbers with tendrils – yellow and purple vetches, and scrambling through great willow herb and shrubs is bindweed with huge white trumpet flowers. Despite all out worries about flooding in the winter the reserve is flourishing.

Elizabeth Gower 23rd July 2014

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Bat Walk on Fri 16 Aug 13

Join Herts & Middlesex Wildlife Trust for an entertaining and educational experience in the park as night falls on Friday 16 August.

Reserves Officer Rob Hopkins will give a short talk on the types of bats you might see (usually at least 4 different species). Bat detectors will be provided but bring a torch.  The walk will be on flat, even paths.  Meet at 8.30pm at the Rustic Bridge, 200m from the Langley Way entrance.


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Cassiobury Walks

A new book ‘CASSIOBURY WALKS’ has been produced by Raffi Katz, a local businessman and resident.  Based on his love of walking and of Cassiobury Park,  Raffi sets out in detail 30 walks that start from the park and cover the wider area around.  The book has some great pictures and the walks range from 10mins to 4 hours.  This handy little book should be very useful for visitors from outside the area and for people moving into the area.   Price is £6.50.



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Book Launch – Echoes of Old Watford

Check out for the background on a new book – ECHOES OF OLD WATFORD, BUSHEY & OXHEY.  The book launch will take place at Watford Museum in mid-October.

The book is based on local history newspaper articles written by Ted Parrish, for the ‘Evening Post-Echo’ newspaper in the early 1980s and includes his recollections of life in the area through the decades. In addition there are footnotes, maps, a selection of readers’ letters and more than 200 illustrations, a significant number of which will be appearing in print for the first time.

Cassiobury Park, Cassiobury House, Cassiobury Park Gates and tiddler fishing in the river are mentioned.   There are illustrations of the Earl and Countess of Essex, Cassiobury House, canal boats and the navigation bridge in the 1930s, etc.  The book is being published by his daughter, Lesley Dunlop,

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This Saturday 13th July: Music at the bandstand – Our Big Gig!

Join in on Saturday 13 July, between 1 and 4pm at Watford Bandstand, and in Cassiobury Park, opposite Café Cha Cha Cha, where there’ll be two simultaneous Big Gigs!

Our Big Gig is a community music celebration which takes place across the UK. This annual event aims to bring communities together to celebrate their local musical talents and get more people involved in music making. As you may be aware; in Watford, we are bidding for Heritage Lottery Fund money to restore Cassiobury Park. One of the things we will do, if we are successful, will be to move the bandstand back to the park. So, we are joining Our Big Gig and holding two simultaneous musical extravanganzas – one at the bandstand, currently located in the town centre, and one in the bandstand’s possible new home – in Cassiobury Park, opposite Cafe Cha Cha Cha. Do come and join us to hear local musicians playing a real eclectic mix of world music – including acoustic folk, a brass band, African drums, a steel drum duo and Charleston dancing. In between performances we are setting up an audio visual for people to see and a chance to speak to our staff about the Heritage Lottery Fund bandstand relocation and improvements to Cassiobury Park.

Bring a chair or a blanket to sit on, although we’d encourage you to be on your dancing feet!

For more information, contact Debbie Brady on tel: 01923 278972.

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Lottery Fund Designs for the Park

At the Family Fun Day in the Park on Sat 18th May,  we saw for the first time the initial designs of the HLF (Heritage Lottery Fund) project for the ‘Gate’ area, Chachacha’s and a new ‘Hub’ building.   Comments received from Friends on the Hub buidling were summarised and sent to the project office as follows:

“Overall we support the  need for a new hub building and the proposed location. However, we have some  serious concerns over the current plans, namely: 1) The building at the  moment seems too intrusive in the space that has been allotted for  it. 2) The height of the roof/solar panels needs to be lower/shaped  better to minimise the visual impact of the building. 3) There should  be limited or no parking allocated inside the building.  We are  concerned about increased traffic and the use of valuable floor space in what  needs to be a building with the minimum necessary  footprint. 4) If the education centre is used to host evening  activities this may result in the need for a lit path from Langley Way. Evening  activities already take place at Cha Cha Cha and this is a better place for them  in terms of light and access. “

We hope that the next round of plans will be modified in the light  of the points we have raised and we will monitor developments closely to  ensure we have great new facilities in the park without damaging the natural  beauty.
The design boards will be on display as follows:
Thurs 23 May:    Market
Friday 24 May:   Museum
Sat 25 May – Sun 2 June:  Cha Cha Cha
Do go and have a look if you get the chance
or register comments by contacting Matt at
and fill out a general park survey form at


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Annual Meeting – Wed 15th May

Watford Borough Council will update us on plans for the Park and the Family Fun Day on 18 May.  There will also be an update on the Waterways Festival.  The second half of the meeting will feature a talk on the Grand Union Canal.  This should be interesting and relevant as our speaker, Michael Wright, is a very knowledgeable member of the Inland Waterways Association – the organisation running the Festival.

The AGM is being held at the Cassiobury Junior School, starting at 7.30pm.

All members and new joiners are welcome.

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Sat 18th May is ‘Family Fun Day’

A ‘Family Fun’ and ‘Have your Say’ day is being held in the Park on Saturday 18th Feb.

Free attractions include:

Play Rangers
Bouncy castle
Rare breed animals
Dog show
Heritage and wildlife walks
Park ‘Quiz for Kids’
Volunteering opportunities

And much more!

There’s also an opportunity to have your say on the Heritage Lottery Funding bid improvement plans for Cassiobur y Park!

It’s from 11.30am to 4pm and the weather will be great! 🙂

1269 – Family Fun and Have your Say Day two

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